The Symphony of Self: Building Playlists as an Expression of Personal Energy in the Grand Orchestra of Life.

Do you have that one playlist that is almost your life symphony? That one playlist that, when you hear a song that hits you right in your soul, it gets placed in that ever growing and evolving playlist.  I was listening to mine…it’s called “Choreo Ideas/Warm Up” haha, I use it when teaching most classes. While listening I began to think about the messages of each of the songs, the bpm’s…vibrations literally moving through the physical world, the emotional journey and healing each song brings. 

Each of us composes our own unique symphony.

The melodies we choose to accompany our life journeys are more than mere background noise; they are profound expressions of our inner worlds, reflections of our moods, and declarations of the energy we wish to share with the universe. Our personal music playlists are, in essence, an audio representation of the vibrations we emit into the ether of time, weaving shared threads of positivity or negativity into the fabric of existence. 

Music has an unparalleled ability to evoke emotions, stir memories, and inspire action. It transcends language, culture, and even time, connecting us to moments long past and dreams yet to come. The songs we select for our personalized playlists are imbued with meaning and intention, each one a brushstroke in the painting of our emotions. When we curate a playlist, we are not necessarily just assembling a collection of songs; we could be crafting a narrative, a soundtrack that accompanies us through the highs and lows of our daily lives. These playlists become a mirror of our souls, reflecting our hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows. 

A playlist infused with positivity is a beacon of light in a sometimes dark world.  

It is filled with uplifting melodies, empowering lyrics, and rhythms that evoke a sense of joy and optimism. These are the songs that make us want to dance, sing, and celebrate life. They remind us of our strength, resilience, and capacity for love. When we share these positive vibrations with others, we contribute to a collective energy that can uplift and inspire. We become conduits of hope and happiness, spreading smiles and good vibes wherever we go. Our playlists become a tool for connection, a way to reach out and touch the hearts of those around us.

A playlist that resonates with negativity can serve as a cathartic release, a way to process and express difficult emotions.

These are the songs that speak to our pain, anger, and frustration. They give voice to the struggles we face and the battles we fight within ourselves. While it may seem counterintuitive, sharing these darker playlists can also be a form of connection. They remind us that we are not alone in our suffering, that others have walked similar paths and felt similar pains. In acknowledging our shadows, we find strength and solidarity, and in sharing our stories, we foster empathy and understanding.  

Curating a playlist is a deeply personal and intentional act. It requires us to tune into our emotions, to listen to our inner voice, and to select the songs that resonate with our current state of being.

Whether we are crafting a playlist to pump us up for a workout, to soothe us after a long day, or to accompany a quiet moment of reflection, each choice is a deliberate expression of our energy. As we curate our playlists, we are also curating the energy we put out into the world. We are making a conscious decision about the vibrations we wish to emit, whether they be positive, negative, or somewhere in between. In doing so, we take ownership of our emotional landscape and become active participants in the creation of our reality. 

Our personal music playlists are ever-evolving, just as we are. They grow and change with us, reflecting the shifts in our moods, experiences, and perspectives. They are a testament to our journey, a living document of our emotional and spiritual growth. So, the next time you hit play on your favorite playlist, take a moment to consider the energy you are putting out into the world. Maybe you need to shed some energy from your musical space, or maybe it just needs a refresh with the new and unfamiliar! Embrace the power of music as a tool for self-expression and connection. 

Whether you choose to fill the ether with positivity or to honor the echoes of your pain, know that your playlist is a beautiful and authentic representation of your unique journey through time. 

Be Wild, Be Weird, Be You…Always.


P.s. I love you

Haus of Glass Dance

Haus of Glass is a unique dance experience in West Michigan.
Our Haus is built with passion, supported through inclusivity,
& powered by diversity.

The Beauty of Spectrum: Breaking Free from Binary Thinking